One important aspect of Pastor Stone's book is that it is quite personalized to his personal experience and study of dreams and visions. He covers listening to other believers (like one's spouse). He directs the reader with the necessit yof prayer and reliance on His guidance in relation to interpretting dreams. He bases his guidanc eon the holy Scriptures and mentions the infallability of dreams that are in agrrement with the promises of God. One of the major topics he tackles is the reality and inevitability of prophetic dreams. The heart of his book is to teach, inform, and enlighten the mature believer.

This was very re-assuring and re-affirming.

He does tackle the false claims by psychics and faux visionaries. He has no patience with these practitioners and their misleading and warns all believers about this. He is quite forthright about "divinely-directed & inspired" prophetic dreams and visisons and false prophecies and prophets. He is engaging and never preachy as he relays information and teaching. Pastor Stone's has a flowing and very enthralling writing style. He is well-versed and founded in sound biblical knowledge. His transparency and honesty about being perplexed by his visions and dreams set the tone for his book. He begins with a prophetic dream/vision that he had in 1996 about the 911 events. Pastor Perry Stone delves deeply into the spiritual phenomena of prophectic dreams and visions in this spirit-filled and uplifting book.